Andover Community Church
A Spirit-filled community sharing the good news of Jesus Christ
in the Anglican tradition.
We are a
"Three Streams Church"
We believe the Holy Spirit is active through his many giftings and express ourselves freely for his glory.
Biblically Orthodox
We celebrate God's grace in salvation, the invitation to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and our call to share the Good News of God's salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What to Expect
We wear jeans, backward baseball caps. and flannels. We have tats, we wear bandanas and pearls, kaki's, shorts, flip-flops.
Makes no difference.
God looks at the heart.
(Matthew 6:21)
Children remain in the service with their families (with an activity packet we provide) or are invited to Godly Play, a montessori-styled learning experience.
Kids are welcome in this place.
(Mark 10:13-16)
We come from Bristol, New London, Franklin, Andover, and Wilmot. The thing we have in common are authentic relationships - with one another and with God.
We are far from perfect. We sing off key, sneeze during prayer times, and spill our coffee after the service. But we journey together and invite you to do life with us, too, in the grace of Christ.
We are loved in grace.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)